The Chakra System, a path to Self

The chakra system connects us to the earth and the sky above us.  It is known as the rainbow bridge - the wheels that heal - energy centres in our physical body that are portals to our material and spiritual wealth. 

The lower chakras which are physically closer to the earth, are related to the more practical matters of our lives - survival, movement, action.  The upper chakras represent mental realms and work on a symbolic level through words, images, and concepts. 

We carry seven of these energy centres that stack on top of one another beginning at the base of our spine making its way up to the top of our head - our crown.  Each carrying their own physical, mental and emotional and spiritual meaning affecting our thought, how we feel, and how we respond to what life presents us.

They are a cursor to where we are thriving and where we need to meet parts of our self.  In my experience, no one chakra is perfectly aligned but more so a work in progress. 

Every time I have worked personally or professionally with the chakra system states change and as a  result, transformation happens.   

Stay tuned, as I unpack certain elements of the chakras and how we can use it as a path to self. 

With the deepest of love, 



The Chakra System, liberation and manifestation


What would you do if you were enough?