Kinesiology combines eastern wisdom and modern day techniques to utilise the body’s innate healing energy.

It’s is founded heavily on the understanding that the mental and emotional are connected to our physical body as much as the way we live our lives. Each therefore heavily influencing the other and working as one whole system.

Kinesiology’s guiding principal is that the body knows exactly what it needs to heal itself and uses a technique called muscle testing that accurately identifies what is inhibiting your body’s natural ability to heal.

By identifying where the body needs to heal itself, Kinesiology is a modality that brings you closer to your goals in life be it your relationship with self, others, physical, career. If you can dream it, Kinesiology moves you closer to it.


When we set a clear intention that is in alignment with our purpose and values and, clear our unconscious of our past experiences - we step into our power - we free ourselves to collaborate with the the world around us and become who we always wanted to be.

Kinesiology in depth

Kinesiology is the study of movement that draws deeply on the lineage of Chinese Medicine and our energetic system. They have long identified how each meridian channel is associated with a muscle, emotion, organ and provides information on our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic wellbeing.

Our body, brain and nervous system holds ALL the information about our emotions, our physical wellness, our soul and our spirit. Quite simply, it is holds all our past experiences and the emotional impact or fear of everything that has been met and unmet in our life.

The impact of our past experiences affect and interrupt our flow of energy in our present day which causes imbalances in energetic system and the way we can show up to life.

Muscle Testing is able to access and identify how your past experiences are affecting you now and what it is you most strongly desire, it shows you where the healing is needed returning you and your body to a state of balance and your optimum outcome.

  • What is Muscle Testing?

    Muscle testing is the main tool Kinesiologists use to communicate with your body. We test the quality of the messages going back and forth between the muscle and the brain. When the muscle loses power or goes weak it gives an indication of a stress which identifies where the work is with a particular person.

  • Kinesiology is for you if you are seeking:

    • Life Direction

    • Improved Communication

    • Improved relationship with yourself and others

    • Release of fears and phobias

    • Clarity with decision making and day to day life

    • Eliminating emotional, physical and mental stress

    • Something more

    • Overcoming past trauma

    • Emotional release

    • Feeling stuck and overwhelmed

    • Are stuck in fear and isolation

  • The benefits

    • from sickness and pain to the picture of health

    • from stuck and lost to freedom of expression

    • from feeling lost and confused to feeling inspired

    • from a life of lack to bountiful prosperity

    • from inefficient to productive

    • from a world of ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’

    • from stuck and overwhelmed to movement and possibility

    • from low self esteem to knowing and loving who you are

    • from not knowing your purpose to living your purpose

    • from sabotaging your thoughts, actions and beliefs to living what you know you are here to live.

What people are saying

Our work together helped me discover who I am - have always been and always will be - that is true to my highest self.

For the first time in my adult life I am fulfilling my purpose, and LIVING MY LIFE. Because with you, I remembered what it was that delighted that little girl; the worlds she got lost in, the wonders that lit her up. It may have taken a little while but I've found my place.

My gratitude diary today: making that call. And heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the incredible human on the other line who heard me and refused leave me hurting.

— Agi, Proud Mumma

“I wanted to say thank you for your help.  I didn't really notice I was making progress at the time, but now when I think about how much my attitude has changed - it's incredible. I am so much happier and relaxed, and more grateful for how much I have in my life.

You were the turning point for me and I am beyond grateful for your help..”

— Georgia, University Student

“I have, over the years, engaged in self examination. Reading, studying and participating in various forms of psychological counselling, I have found none as effective as Kinesiology and specifically working with Amanda. It is both rewarding and enlightening.

She guides you every step of the way, so whilst it is an individual journey, you always feel safe and supported”.

— Lou, Mum and Entrepreneur