Everything is Energy

Your thought begins it, your emotions amplify it

and your action increases its momentum. 

What is Energy Clearing?


Energy clearing uses the muscle testing tool drawn from Kinesiology which allows the practitioner to track emotional stressors and access information from the unconscious mind for the people they work with.

It allows the practitioner to quickly and accurately locate a stressful emotion that has been trapped in the body and rub a corresponding meridian point to release the blockage.

Every emotion, deficiency and imbalance in the body correlates to one of the fourteen Chinese meridian channels in the body. When in balance we experience ease and clarity of mind freeing us to BE, DO and HAVE what we are seeking.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” - Nikola Tesla

Types of Energy Clears

  • Chakra Line Clearing

    Is effective and has you move from less ebbs to more flows!

    Each energetic centre (chakra) holds a theme and therefore a vibration to a person, an object (say money for example) and, operates dependent on how clear or blocked a chakra is. Our thoughts, emotions and life experiences shape what we believe is possible and therefore the health of our energetic centres.

    They work in a two way energetic exchange - how you give and how you receive. Clearing our chakras allows more energy to flow, that translates into aligned action.

    Chakra line clears are insightful and have maximum effect.

  • Types of Clears

    Basically if you can dream if, feel it, have a relationship with it clearing your connection to it fosters freedom, clarity and actualisation of what you are clearing.

    Types of Clears available:

    • Brain Clearing

    • Money/Wealth Clearing

    • Relationship Clearing

    • Having both possibilities eg love and money

    • Person Clearing

    • Archetype Clearing

    • Business/Entrepreneur Clearing

    • Life Areas eg. creativity and performance, love and relating Sexuality, Spirituality

  • Manifestation Clears

    Manifestation clears are a powerful process where we utilise the downward current of your chakras to clear and actualise your ability to manifest an outcome. Be it a business venture, your life or the body of your dreams we align to your Purpose and your greater sense of ‘why’. We clear down your energetic centres to ground into your physical body what it is you long to manifest. Connect you to your core and clear what has you stuck along the way. We clarify next steps so that you come out with a clear path and plan. This is an all inclusive and powerful process where you become the Creator.

“If you want to achieve your soul purpose, your most desired dream or manifest a timeline to a better future, Amanda is the right person for you. 

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you.

Amanda is an alchemist who is here to help you alchemise your future.”

— Gillian, Writer and Director