The Chakra System, liberation and manifestation

Our chakra system has many currents of energy that run in and around our body. 
In addition to the seven chakras, we have a current of liberation and manifestation. 

It is a basic premise that a human being needs balance between both of these currents in order to be whole.  To have sovereign choice and make manifest their ideas and desires. 

Like a rock in a river that collects sticks and leaves, a block (physical pain, childhood traumas, social programming, suppressed emotions and oppressive environments or activities) of any significant degree gains severity over time. 

When a chakra becomes further limited in its functioning, we become stagnant and become a closed system.   We carry a heaviness with us, and we are unable to enact our sovereign right to choose.

Integration of our mind, our body and our energy makes healing possible.  It takes time and attention.  A vital manifestation and liberation current creates the changes we seek in our lives. 

Manifestation current is a downward flow of energy that runs from the ether (crown chakra) in a straight line to our base chakra. This current is directly responsible for us to create what we desire most.

A blocked manifestation current has us become aimless and empty - dreams flying into our awareness but unable to land, full of ideas but unable to make commitments or completions. 

A balanced manifestation current means we take thoughts and turn them into visualisations, then words, and finally into form, we are engaged in the process of manifesting.

Liberation current is an upward flow of energy, running from our base chakra, the dense earth, all the way to our crown chakra (head) into the ethers.  This channel of energy is responsible for our ability to experience freedom free of limitation.  As we move incrementally upward through the charkas, we become less restricted. 

When our Liberation Current is blocked we cannot change, grow or expand.  We become like automations, unconsciously stuck in monotonous routines.  Our conscious is lulled to sleep from boredom. 

We may find ourselves continually being thrown back to survival issues or we may be unable to fully ground our manifesting current and remain lost in a flood of ideas.

A balanced liberation current means we feel free from the material world.  We live in possibility and embodied action.  We move with the times and change, we grow, we expand. 

Ways to balance our currents of manifestation and liberation

✨ Create a strong foundation where you feel safe and secure emotionally, physically and spiritually.
✨ Feel your feelings, acknowledge them whether they feel 'good' or 'bad'.
Build your community.
✨ Set yourself a goal and identify and, take action on the steps needed to make your goal a reality. 
✨ Listen to the beat of your own heart and ask it what it needs, then make plans to follow it. 
✨ Use your voice and ask for what you want.  Notice where you keep quiet and where you speak up making any adjustments  where needed. 
✨ Envision your future: plant seeds to make it happen.
✨ Develop a spiritual practice in alignment with your beliefs.

Choose one area giving your time and attention to where it is needed most.  Remembering, we are a work in progress and never a completion. 

Nurturing our body, mind and spirit makes good breeding ground for more. 

If you feel heavy or unable to manifest a certain desire or outcome, hit reply and lets take a look at what is happening for you in this current moment and  choose the reality you wish to see. 

With the deepest of love, 


The Chakra System, a path to Self