What would you do if you were enough?

Being Enough 

Being enough is a narrative I had to learn.  A way of being I had to teach myself to not only like, but love who I was.  

A journey from hate, to care, to like, to love.  
A willingness to drop what I thought I knew and to teach myself new things.

Being enough is a personal and sacred journey.  
One that has us learn that we have a place in this world.  
We know who we are has value, in all that we do and bring to this world. 

Being enough is fraught with not being enough but once journeyed, we have a safe place to grow. 

What I've come to know
Being enough is to come to know your sad places and choosing to love you. 
Being enough is a choice you begin to choose. 
Being enough is feeling your desire and learn ways to give that to you. 
Being enough is feeling your anger and knowing how to express it. 
Being enough is knowing what is not for you and saying so. 
Being enough is saying no and letting that person know, you just don't feel up to it. 
Being enough is speaking what is true for you. 
Being enough is giving yourself time. 
Being enough is putting YOU first.
Being enough is allowing yourself time to heal and grow. 
Being enough is allowing yourself to have more. 
Being enough is asking to have your needs met.  
Being enough is stopping until you don't need to stop anymore. 
Being enough is to know love. 
Being enough is allowing yourself time to sit.
Being enough is allowing yourself to watch TV. 
Being enough is knowing the parts of you, you don't like; and 
choosing to love them just as they are.
Being enough is to drop the doing and learning to be. 
Being enough is accepting who you are and moving from this simple but complex place.

Being enough is all these things and more.

It is what sets our hearts on fire and it is how we eat our breakfast, and how we meet ourselves in our darkest moments. 

Being enough is a way of being and may it be the only way you know to be. 

With the deepest of love, 


The Chakra System, a path to Self


Rising as Love