Change is in the air

Right now, we are in a collective crucible of change. 

We have had a change in our government, our climate is beckoning to us and, we are in the middle of a global pandemic - could we be more called to change?

Add to this, the wake of the Scorpio Blood Full Moon and transitioning from Autumn to Winter again, we are reminded of change. 

Soul contracts and the events necessary are being called forth to place us directly in our growth and our evolution.

Our external environment is reflecting the change we are all being called to and experiencing within.  

Change and the transition
The transition is when true change begins.  

It is when we have left the old, in favour of the new, and find ourselves in the glorious and often painful space between the two - where uncertainty rules - and the stories we tell ourself begins.

What we give attention to determines how easily we land in the new. 

The retreat and recede
When we are out of balance our stories and conditioning become real.  We believe we are not worthy, we cannot take action and we believe we will fail.  It is not safe and these old outdated stories have us retreat to our old ways of being.

We feel fear, we sabotage our best efforts and become frozen, unable to move forward.  Somewhere along the way, we believe we cannot begin.  

The respond and rise
Our self worth, that is, how viable and worthy we believe ourselves to be, determine how easily we can respond to the stories that arise from the past including our childhood and familial conditioning. 

In a balanced individual we can hear the stories we tell ourselves and, with our worth as our guide, we tend to these old stories with love and understanding, so they no longer rule as true.  We rise above them landing us directly in the path of  the new. 

Right now, we have the collective available to tap into and harness the power of change.  Moving with the collective multiplies the energy we give and also receive, it’s like multiplying our power a thousand fold. 

Who are you and what are you moving towards? Wherever this muse finds you, know we are in the part where true change begins.  

We can respond and rise.  

If by chance you are in the fear, the uncertainty and want to recede, then please reach out and say hello, let’s have an open conversation about how we move you to rise.

For what it is worth, it is never too late to be whoever you want to be.  I hope you live a life you are proud of, and if you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start over - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

With the deepest of love,
Amanda x


Aligning to your joy, writing your own story


When the universe has our back