When the universe has our back

When the universe has our back

When things come into alignment, it gives us a sense of hope, a senes that something bigger is happening out there than what we can see.  Personally, I LOVE when these moments become known to me.  

Challenges, as well as successes are what brings about alignment.  As a direct result of meeting both, we have the space to notice and celebrate our synchronicities when the arrive. 

The last few weeks, I have been working behind the scenes to complete my new website - I am almost there - I have been accepted as support crew for The Spiral Practitioner Training beginning this Sunday and, I have also been provided with a big spacious home to rest and gather my energy in while assisting in the training.  It all feels rather synchronistic that the house I completed my training in last year is also available to me again, as I hold space for other students to become trained in this work. 

All these things have meaning to me as I prepare to offer my work in new and evolved ways.  I remember how it was from experiencing grief and loss last year that brought me to seeking out change.  And, how The Spiral, became known to me as it did every couple of years, this time I took the sign with both hands as greatly as I could.  

Becoming a Certified Spiral Practitioner has changed patterns within me that I have been battling with for a very long time.  While they had improved somewhat over the years, nothing has shifted my worthiness and place in this world as effectively as The Spiral has for me among countless others. 

If I knew at the time, that something I had perceived as traumatic was leading me to seeking a new modality, on top of becoming qualified in it, I would not of believed it to be true.  In retrospect, this is abundantly true. 

As I enter this week and prepare to assist in training, I feel the synchronistic nature humbly at play.  I am grateful for the event last year that at the time, rocked me right into the hands of where I was meant to be.  I am grateful I will be held by the same home as I was last year.  I am also grateful that I now get to offer this work that quite simply transforms.  

In the coming weeks I will be quieter on the muse front as I finish my website and take part as support in the training.  In place of my weekly muse I will be sharing insights from each day of the training on socials so you can get a feel of the potency of this work. 

If you feel curious or something is nudging you to know more, than I invite you to follow your instinct and join me on Facebook or Insta to get an inside peek at The Spiral.  

And, I will leave you with this, celebrate and be with your losses as deeply as your successes as they may just be leading you to exactly where you are meant to be. 

With the deepest of love,
Amanda x


Change is in the air


How we do one thing, is how we do everything