How we do one thing, is how we do everything

How we do one thing, is how we do everything

From our morning coffee, eating and preparing our meals to brushing our teeth is a daily ritual we carry out every day.  Rituals generally speak of working with the sacred.  Transportation, daily walks, how we spend our days and our nights accumulate to the way we unconsciously or consciously build rituals in our day to day life.   

A ritual is described as a series of actions that we as humans regularly carry out because it is our custom to do so.  Rituals involves gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed according to a set sequence that typically, when translated from eastern to the western world moves from a sacred action to something more of just what we do.   

Our repeated action accumulates energy and becomes our lived experience.  

The way we do one thing, is the way we do everything. 

Who we are and what we choose to do with our time including the care we bring to our actions is one of the most powerful tools we have.  We have the ability to care and shelter and love what we do or we can reject, throw away or dislike how we spend our time.  

This week, I invite you to notice how you connect with your food, the people around you and the way in which you repeat your daily actions.  

1. Notice the colours and fragrance as you prepare, cook and eat your food;  
2. Light a candle at the start and end of your work day, speaking an intention for the way you wish to start your day and giving thanks for that which you are grateful at the end of the day; 
3. Make clear intentions and allocate time to spend with yourself and your loved ones; 
4. As you clean, notice and connect with what you are cleaning and what it provides you. 

When we begin to notice our daily rituals and we connect to what it is we are doing we begin to give life to, engage our energy and have the ability to create flow in our day to day life.  

This week, I invite you to choose one small thing that you repeat every day and engage with it consciously of what that thing brings to you and watch your world shape shift with more care. 

With the deepest of love,
Amanda x


When the universe has our back


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