Aligning to your joy, writing your own story

In the transition phase of change, aligning to our joy is vital.  

Joy has us access the buoyancy of our spirit, it has us see the greater path.  Joy has us lift our head, meet what is before us and act from an open heart fuelling our very own story we choose to write.   

When we play from this space, anything is possible. 

In the transition of change we have a tendency to focus on what is not working that is, things become harder, we feel stuck and we become lost in lack leaving us feeling hopeless. We turn to our old ways and sabotage the very effort we are looking to make. 

Striking a balance between noticing what is not working and cultivating joy is necessary to keep clear sight of what we are creating and empower us to keep taking aligned action. 

The choice we make
Choice is our most powerful tool available to us. 

The choices we have made, the choices we didn't make - the action and inaction -  has all landed us here.  All that we are, all that we have learned and experienced is created from our choices. 

Why choose joy?

Joy lands us directly in our heart and when chosen, we not only widen our energy field we dive deep into endless possibility and opportunities. Our body relaxes, maintains an open posture ready and willing for change.

If we remain in what is not working, what is lacking in our lives and we choose not to access joy, our body contracts. Our chest becomes tight, our options limited and we lose sight of what it is we are looking to achieve.  

The 'shoulds'
Shoulds rob our joy.

Our shoulds read like a long list of tedious things to do.  Shoulds are what our thinking mind creates to be THE way to get there.  If I do this, this will happen. 

Shoulds lead to procrastination and self doubt.  Self doubt  will have us believe in a heart beat that we are unable to do or make a certain thing.  

With trust left at the door, our shoulds are a direct signalling system to let us know we are no longer operating from our beautiful wise heart. 

Aligning to writing our own story
What is that you yearn for?
How will you feel when you have what it is you desire?  
What will it look like?
Engaging your senses, what will you see?  
What sounds can you hear? 
What will it add to your life?

Connecting to the story we are writing for ourselves lifts and inspires us when we are in the midst of change.  Engaging our felt sense of what this will bring is essential to keep us moving.  

If this is not available to you and you are caught in the contraction then take time out.  

Go pet your favourite animal, spend time with those you love. Sit in the sunshine, read your favourite book.  

Writing your own story is not about pushing and doing that thing because you should.  Writing your own story is about listening, accessing what joy you can now and following your heart to the very end of your own story. 

Creating change is challenging.  Writing your own story is meant to be a co-creative space between our body, our mind and our heart.

We get to choose, we write our own rules and, we have the freedom to follow our own path. 

If you’re ready for this change and are tired of repeating the same old, same old then hit reply and let me know. I have space for three more people to re-design their life to the one that YOU are craving. 

With the deepest of love,
Amanda x


The value of darkness


Change is in the air