A Love Letter to 2022

Dear 2022,

As I sit and write to you today, I wonder what you hold for me..

Will it be hard, will it be arduous, will I forget and fight you?
Will I surrender and know Joy?
Will I know love deeper than the year before you?
Can my dreams truly be my reality? 

Every year you bring something new. 
Every year, something comes to an end.

Had I of known what was before me the year before, I may of just thanked you before I even began. Knelt at your knees, crumbling in the arms of your love. 

As I sit and I wonder and I map out my life -  I want to say thank you. 

Thank you for the gifts I am yet to know.  

Thank you for holding me patiently, tenderly as the world continues to turn.  Watching, waiting.  Delivering me to my most perfect place in time. 

2022, I know endings will happen that are likely to have me shed a tear.  This time,  I will take solace.  I will remember that something new is also beginning. I'll do my best to pay homage to both. To remember in that moment that what is true now, will once again change and so the wheel will continue to turn and with it, so shall I.

Nothing remains that way forever and with my deepest devotion, I welcome you in. 

With all my Heart, 
Amanda x


Creating Who We Are


The Year That Was