The Year That Was

So here we are, on the other side of Christmas.

We have gathered with those near and dear and sat round a big table, nourished our bellies and our hearts with those familiar to us. The ones, that journey with us most regularly in life. The ones, who can only lay claim to knowing us for every year we have breathed life on this earth - what a privilege that is.

As we begin to unwind and relax and sink into our holidays feels, I've gathered a few of our favourite pieces to share the year that was.

A Bit About Me
While I'm sinking into my own state of bliss this holiday season my heart it full. I've journeyed and separated from a life that took some adjusting but birthed me straight to where I need to be. I journeyed through 10 weeks of deep personal change that has led me to becoming a Certified Spiral Practitioner and learning the modality that quite simply, changed how I show up in the world.

Celebrating You
So in the lull between this year and next, I want to personally thank you. Thank for all the ways you make this world a better place. Your courage, your curiosity and constant pursuit of illumination is nothing but a Joy to witness. Please know not only do you make a difference in my world but to those that are surrounded by you.

Read and Relax
Whatever you are choosing to do, may this find you with your feet up and heart full. While you ease your way from this place to next, take a few moments with a cuppa/wine/water in hand and read a few of our favourite moments:

💓Coming Home to Yourself
💓Zero Resistance
💓Doing What Your Heart Wants You to Do
💓To Heal, get to the root of the wound and kiss it all the way up to the top

Till next year..

Amanda x


A Love Letter to 2022


Setting Your Heart on Fire