Systems and Structures of the Heart

It is only us who gets us there

To create from our Heart centre, love must be present. When we explore themes of the heart, compassion, gratitude, self acceptance, relationships and love come to mind but the one that is often overlooked is systems and structure.  

Without structure in place we are constantly moving with what comes our way, which is beautiful in its own right and a life tool we all need however, when we are constantly moving, there is no place to rest, there is nothing there to support us.  

Establishing systems and structure, allows us to set up a solid foundation and a buoyant heart  - one that we can rely on - and one that will keep us afloat so we have a nice support system in place and we can remain open and receptive when when those challenging times come.

If we want to trek a mountain, a seed is planted, a desire is born and a plan is put in place for us to reach the top.  Our desires are quite simply the same.  

Know your destination, create from your beautiful heart but lovingly put the systems and the structures in place so you may arrive in one whole loving peace (sic). 

Our heart is a fabulous thing that can lead us down wild and enchanted places, when seeded from a place of love that has the systems and structures to get us there well, it is quite likely that anything is possible. 

With all my Heart, 

Amanda x




Creating Who We Are