
The world does not respond when we are uncertain

Intentions speak directly from our Soul.  They are the threads that hold us and encourage us to move forward.  They create anchors when the fog becomes thick and we lose our way.  

Our intentions allow us the freedom to choose at any given point in our lives and take us straight from victim into an empowered state.

What is an Intention
An intention is a prayer - the seed planted at the beginning of any intended journey that when nourished, will guide you, speak to you and allow you to fall upon its earth to catch our breath and enact our choice when needed.  

What is the difference between an intention and a goal? 
Goals have definable steps that you follow to get yourself from this current reality to the one you desire.  They have timelines attached and are well thought out and planned. They come to life once our intention is set.  

Intentions are our map.  They have shape and colour and are the textures of our body and our hearts.  They are imaginative and creative. They have meaning and can be felt, seen and heard. 

Why are intentions important
Our intentions have us know our terrain.  They are well felt out in our bodies and our hearts.  We know in our bones that this intention is something we simply must have and we feel it on a deep level. They are a pathway to Joy. 

Our intentions build fire - our desire - within us and hand us the key to take inspired action. 

Three simple guidelines to setting intentions

Identify what you deeply ache for
Is it union with your body to glow from the inside out? Is it a totally new career?  Do you ache to make a difference? Do you simply ache to know Joy?

Whatever it is that you secretly ache for get to know what sets your heart on fire and speak to it directly so you know it like the back of your own hand. Get real with it and invite it on in. 

Write your wildest intention. Get connected with all you desire and bring them into words.  Who will you be?  What will it look like?  What will you see and feel when you have your intention?  

Writing engages different senses than to have it just kicking about in our heads.  Writing brings our intentions into this reality in black ink on white paper for you to see and to know like the back of your own hand.

Present and Positive tense
Replacing  the words 'if', 'I can', I can't with 'I have', 'I am', I welcome' has us invite our intention to move with us in the present moment.   

Combining present tense with a positive focus will have us tend our seeds have us feel a strong desire to increase these things in our world. 

Intentions are made to light our way, to lend us courage and have us continue even when when fall down to remind us to get back up again.  

What we intend, we weave and what we weave, we create.  

With all my Heart, 
Amanda x




Systems and Structures of the Heart