The Energy that Sustains Us

You are a latticework of energies.

It shapes the way you feel, the way you think and, the way you live. 

Our Meridians (the body's energy pathways), Chakras (the body's energy centres) and our Aura or biofield (the body's energy atmosphere) all lend to how well we are supported to have the freedom to live our truest desires in this world.

When one of these systems becomes blocked or experiences a rupture and left unattended, effectively it is like walking around with a permanent limp.


When our energetic body becomes blocked or overloaded, it slows us down and worsens over time limiting our capacity to BE, DO and HAVE in our world. It stunts our potential for growth.

Clearing our energy activates our body's subtle energy systems to remove the blocks and break through the blocks allowing our body's inherent ability to heal itself be stimulated which in turn, enables us to explore and BE in our world.

Clearing your energy should be as vital as looking after your physical and mental health.

Our Environment - where we work and live makes up our environment. The air we breathe, the quality of water we drink all support or suppress our energetic systems. These days, technology is a force along with the people we interact with on a day to day basis. If we live in houses that are not soothing to our nervous system or are fronted with aggression regularly for example our energetic system is impacted and, if not dealt with or cleared we can start to slow down as our energetic system takes on the load and mops up what it can.

Emotions. These simple things influence us so deeply that they need a sentence all on their own. Whether your experience grief, sadness or joy over an extended period of time every emotion has the ability to support or drag on our energetic system. Emotions such as shame, guilt, apathy and fear tend to stagnate or drag our energetic system towards having to force our way through life whereas, courage, willingness, love and joy have us propel us towards a lighter way of being and therefore we turn from a place of force in our life to one of enlightenment and power. Our energetic system supports us to go and BE our true authentic selves in this world freeing us to HAVE what it is we so dearly seek.

1. Start with an energetic clean of your home and work environments. Look at the cleaners, perfumes and personal products you use and the food that you eat. Be in alignment with your health and vitality. Clearing up just these few simple things will begin to lighten the load on your energetic system freeing your energy to DO what you want most in your world.

2. Spending time in nature, experiencing moments that have you smile and beam from the inside out is also a truly beautiful place to begin. If this is not possible for you, find the funniest films you can and laugh, laugh, laugh.

3. Do a life review. People. Where you live. Is what you do for a living propelling you towards creating a world you love or are you walking around with that energetic limp?

Clearing our energetic system supports our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing that supports us to create with greater purpose and ease. If you know what you are seeking in this life and are walking around with that limp - reach out - you could be a simple energetic clear away from transforming and creating all that you wish to see.

With all my Heart,
Amanda x


How we transform

